The second installment in the Soinoise cycle has become a fact. A fact strangely intriguing and painful, not to mention – international.
This new reality has been subordinated to the sound of musical instruments. That was the starting point – as little electronics and as much live sound as possible. With time, it has evolved a little towards a game with the audience – a game of pretenses and outright trickery. However, the plan of constructing a coherent and constructive statement on instrumental music has been fulfilled.
This compilation lets us lean over certain somewhat forgotten (sometimes literally) instruments and see (or rather hear) if they still have anything to offer. We can analyze single sounds as well as their combinations that dissolve unintelligibly into one another. This freedom, openness, lends itself to the structure of the compositions themselves. Some of them are complete and well thought-out, for some, the word improvisation becomes a none too accurate euphemism.
One should remember that, rather than mere listening, our experience of music is a form of communion.
01 Untitled Piece for Kantele #1 - Salakapakka Sound System
02 Flowers of Romance (PiL cover) - Pineal Eye
03 Przepis na Naleśniki - Social Cream
04 Bux - Gamid Group
05 Laughing Pig - Sense From Nonsense
06 Krimsun und Klover (Tommy James & The Shondell cover) - Count Brent von Himmel & the Ziopin Choir
07 Perpetual Motion Holder - Pythian Whispers
08 Kshatriya - Indo
09 Divine Times - Merkabah
10 Traffic - Limited Liability Sounds
11 Le Matin des Magiciens - The Day of the Antler
Count Brent von Himmel & the Ziopin Choir
Gamid Group
Limited Liability Sounds
Pineal Eye
Pythian Whispers
Salakapakka Sound System
Sense From Nonsense
Social Cream
The Day of the Antler
love it!
OdpowiedzUsuńsense from nonsens - laughing pig